Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Introducing...City Chic Online!

"It's A Small World" was always my favorite attraction at Disney World...and it sure is so true! My daughter, Erin, studied abroad in Leuven, Belgium and one of her classmates was from Australia. Erin
told me on more than one occasion how Emma was always so well
put together. Her outfits were classy and chic, and when asked
where she shopped...her answer was City Chic in New South Wales!
My daughter lives in the midwestern part of the United States, so
how does she shop half way around the world? Here's the news flash! Now you can get tons of fabulous looking clothes through City Chic's new online webstore. They offer plus
sizes 14-24 and have an excellent selection of styles and colors. The
site is easy to navigate and the currency converter helps you keep
to your budget. Well, you see it is "A Small World" after all!

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