Monday, August 6, 2007

Ballet Class

I've had a really busy summer with a lot of family celebrations, so this meant lots of airport adventures! It's been fun, but oh how my feet hurt! I really should have been more proactive and gotten some stylish but comfortable shoes before now. Anyway, I saw these really cute ballet polka dot flats at Fashion Bug and bought them for my latest trip to Hot Springs. What a difference they made! They were so comfortable and all my nieces wanted to know where I got them! Fashion Bug is having a special footwear promotion where you can buy 1, select 1 at 50% off. They have a great selection, too, of quilted patent and suede ballet flats that will look great this Fall!

Fashion Bug

1 comment:

Andrea M. Pace, Publisher & CEO said...

Really cute flats. I didn't realize Fashion Bug sold shoes up to size 11. Good to know. For more reviews and shopping tips for women with plus-size feet, please visit Your Feet Make You Unique, a shoe blog designed for women who wear sizes 10 and up.

Andrea Pace proudly wears size 11 shoes.
Your Feet Make You Unique